Certainty – A Place to Stand

Foreword by Dr. Norm Geisler Two centuries before Christ, the Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes experimented with the lever. He declared that he could “move the earth” if he had a place to stand somewhere in the cosmos. People need a certain place to stand, a point of reference beyond the self. Some forms of the emergent church reject certainty of truth. This group reacts with…

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By: Dr. Grant Richison

Foreword by Dr. Norm Geisler Two centuries before Christ, the Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes experimented with the lever. He declared that he could “move the earth” if he had a place to stand somewhere in the cosmos. People need a certain place to stand, a point of reference beyond the self. Some forms of the emergent church reject certainty of truth. This group reacts with skepticism towards evangelicals who assert certainty. These people feel betrayed by the belief that we can know something for sure. Their thinking lands on the ash heap of relativism; that is, truth is relative to the individual but does not stand independent from individual perspective. This becomes a serious problem in presenting the Gospel. It is for this reason that I feel compelled to offer this critique of the emergent church of post-evangelicals. I have not written this book for theologians or scholars, but for broad-spectrum leaders within evangelicalism. -Dr. Grant C. Richison

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