Original Painting

One day when I was six-years-old, I was intrigued by a photo of (then) Princess Elizabeth as a little girl. I sat down at the kitchen table with a pencil and a piece of paper and discovered a part of myself I had not before known. It was so much fun making something look like something else. When my dad arrived home that night, I remember my mother showing him, in quiet tones, what I had done.
I guess that was why, at the age of eight, I found myself in the home of a local artist enjoying the accomplishment of painting my first cat and dog. I loved the smell of linseed oil and the mellow tones of the oils.I loved the way I could take a smudge of thick paint and blend it into dusky shadows and three-dimensional highlights. I could hardly wait for Tuesday afternoons, by which time the previous week’s oil paint would be dry and I could continue my ‘masterpieces.’ The lessons continued for only one season, as we moved and life went in a different direction. Nevertheless, when I got older and out on my own, the seeds that had been planted continued to germinate and, from time to time, I would get my paints out. On my 60th Christmas, my sister gave me a set of acrylic paints for Christmas. I began to paint on Saturdays and discovered the joy of not having to wait for paint to dry. I could paint all day, if life permitted. Portraits began to happen and, once again, the challenge of making something look like something else, captivated me.
If you’re looking for a custom painting – if you want something to look like something else, whether portrait or landscape, please feel free to give me a call. My rates start at $700 and vary with the degree of difficulty.
Most of the paintings below are accompanied by the original photos from which I worked.

Photo to Portrait or Painting