To My Family… My Life Legacy (Generic Edition)

Legacy Journal as featured on 100 Huntley Street Personal 150 – page legacy workbooks with Ethical Will resources to record your reflections, values, experiences and family history for future generations. Preserve your thoughts on over 40 important life topics. Record your family tree, family history and valuable highlights. Impart to your loved ones a personally…

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By: Diane Roblin-Lee

Available by contacting co-author, Diane Roblin-Lee, at

Legacy Journal as featured on 100 Huntley Street Personal 150 – page legacy workbooks with Ethical Will resources to record your reflections, values, experiences and family history for future generations. Preserve your thoughts on over 40 important life topics. Record your family tree, family history and valuable highlights. Impart to your loved ones a personally written blessing or your hopes and dreams for them. Pass along cherished traditions, favourite recipes and family stories. Define and establish the foundational values of your home. Communicate wisdom that will preserve and protect your family. How do you really want to be remembered… …by a stack of cash and some furniture – or by the REAL value of your life – who you are and the values and wisdom you have to share? Write an “Ethical Will” – your values, reflections, experiences and wisdom. Give your descendants a leg up by sharing all you’ve learned about life! Say what matters most to the people you love! Bring your family closer together. The Value of Your Life Legacy These are critical years. We’re losing one of our richest, most meaningful natural resources – the wisdom of our mothers, fathers and grandparents who fought in the war, dug deeply into life through the depression years and experienced the transition from horse and buggy days to our wired world. The wisdom of our elders are the wells from which we draw understanding, knowledge and warnings against repeating the evil elements of history. Unless their conclusions on life are recorded, they will be lost. Something else that concerns me is the fact that people are forgotten soon after the last shovel of dirt is thrown on their caskets. It seems such a shame that we die at the very point in time when we have learned the most. With those thoughts in mind, I created a legacy journal with ethical will resources called, “To My Family…My Life.” It’s a tool through which people can have a voice of wisdom into the lives of their descendants, a vehicle through which their essence can be remembered. Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, doesn’t matter. It is the thoughts and information you convey that your children will value – not the punctuation or the way you write. Be yourself. Write what comes from your heart. “To My Family…My Life” features all the regular space for family history, plus space for sharing thoughts on over 40 topics and bestowing a blessing on your family, family recipes, special messages to friends and family members and space for favorite family photos. Special Ways to Use the Legacy Journals My hope is that volunteers will take the journals into nursing homes and retirement homes to help their friends and loved ones record wisdom, values and experiences while there is still time. Once completed, the elderly person would have a wonderful gift to give to his or her family for Christmas or another special occasion. For those looking for a mentoring tool, “To My Family…My Life” makes a wonderful vehicle for communication between the generations. I hope that many young teenagers will spend time with seniors recording their time-tested wisdom. It could provide increased purpose for visits. It is a great idea for a special gift of the heart for any occasion — a wonderful retirement gift. Families who find it difficult to engage an elderly family member in conversation could find their visits an exciting challenge if they were to adopt the Journal as a project for both of them to complete, perhaps at the rate of one page per visit. Retirement homes will give the Journal as a welcoming gift to every new resident Funeral homes will give it as part of a pre-planning package to those planning funerals Baby boomers will recognize the importance of completing the Journal while they still have their faculties, not only to record their history for posterity, but to have a voice into the oncoming generations Organizations will recognize their customization and distribution of the Legacy Journal as an impartation of the values that made our country strong, to the oncoming generations – their invaluable contribution to the days and years ahead.

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