I seem to always be talking about money on this blog – but that’s the area where God seems to be teaching me to trust Him most in these last few years. I know that many of you probably wonder why I’m always stretched for cash, but it’s simply because I’m still in the process of getting back on my feet after losing everything.

Today, once again, God proved His faithfulness. My car insurance was due and life insurance comes tomorrow. I was short about $230.00. Payment for the magazine I’m doing won’t be here for a couple of weeks, but I hoped that a cheque from the States would be here in time.

I spent the morning with the Lord, learning of His ways and reminding Him of the bills due today and tomorrow. At noon, I went to the mailbox – but no cheque. So, I came home wondering, “What now Lord?”

As I prepared lunch, Lola (my cockapoo) made it evident that she was hungry too. As I opened the refrigerator to get her food, she lay down on the floor, confident that her needs were about to be met. It occurred to me that the Lord was using her as an example of how I could face my needs. I am His child. He is my Father and He knows what I need. I can relax in the assurance that He’s looking after me.

My worry turned to peace as I felt directed to simply go to my computer and work as though all were well. A scripture from 2 Chronicles 20:17 rolled through my mind: “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions(s); stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.” I believed I had positioned myself (as well as I knew how) according to God’s principles for participation in His Kingdom economy. I had tithed, happily given offerings where needed and blessed them for use in His Kingdom. Therefore, I was expecting Him to intervene in some way – I just didn’t know how He’d do it.

About 2 o’clock, the phone rang. It was an old friend whom I hadn’t seen for some time, saying that he had been prompted by the Holy Spirit to call and wanted to know what was happening. Because of the apparent connection, I told him. He asked for my banking information and said to check my account in about an hour.

Long story short, my insurance is paid. Thank you Lord. Another miracle of your gentle grace and kindness – by design.