Ethical Will

While a property will deals with one's material goods and cash, an ethical will deals with the truly important things developed and gathered through one's life - wisdom, faith, values and experiences. By writing these down for the benefit of one's family and oncoming generations, one's essence is not lost. Dusty photos take on new life and meaning when accompanied by one's written legacy of values or "ethical will." It's made simple with My Life Legacy journals!

By |2023-02-06T15:14:29+00:00November 1, 2011|Legacy Blog|

Leaving a Legacy Journal or Ethical Will

These are critical years. We're losing one of our richest, most meaningful natural resources - the wisdom of our mothers, fathers and grandparents who fought in the war, dug deeply into life through the depression years and experienced the transition from horse and buggy days to our wired world.The wisdom of our elders are the wells from which we draw understanding, knowledge and warnings against repeating the evil elements of history. Unless their conclusions on life are recorded, they will be lost.It seems odd that people die at the very point in time when they have learned the most. Unless [...]

By |2023-02-06T15:14:30+00:00November 18, 2007|Legacy Blog|
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